marzo 09, 2013
Fa' celebration...
Skirt:MaxxStudio + Blouse:CharlotteRusso + Necklace:ClaudiaGill |
God is in control/Dios esta en control.
Sunnies:Local store ( Honduras) + Bag:IvankaTrump via Marshall |
Last Sunday was my brother in law's, how much I love him and admire. Besides he is super talented and successful; I can't even begin to describe everything he does and how far he has gone, and he is only a child (just kidding Fa)...Happy Birthday!!! We had a great time, and ate deliciously. I hope you like what I was wearing to celebrate his birthday, it was so easy and confortable to wear.
God bless you!!!
El Domigo pasado estuvo de cumpleaños mi amado cuñ, cuanto lo quiero y admiro, aparte es super talentoso y un triunfador, si les contara todo lo que hace y hasta donde ha llegado y apenas casi es un niño ( son bromas Fa )...Feliz Cumpleaños !!! la pasamos "súper" y comimos delicioso.
Ojala les guste lo que me puse para celebrar a Fa, para mi fue fácil y comodo.
God bless you!!