marzo 26, 2012

Maxi Falda!!!

Quiero presentarles a una amiguita muy especial para mi y quise invitarla ya que es amante por lucir bien y a la moda.Su nombre es Isabella,pero la llamamos "Bella"
Gracias princesa sos super linda.

I want to introduce you to a very special friend, I invited her because she loves fashion and she loves to look good. Her name is Isabella but we call her "Bella"

Sigo con mis "maxis" es q son super versatiles o utiles y combinables,puedes usarlas tanto para ir a la iglesia ( como fue el caso) como para ir al cine o la playa.
Si eres bajita recuerda no usarlas tan largas,y si eres gordita que no sean anchas.


So I continue with my Maxis. Now in a skirt version. You can pair them with sandals, you can also wear them to church (which is the case for me) or to the beach. The color I chose is a salmon hue, which is really in right now, but I love them in any color. If you are short you can still wear them, just make sure the skirt is neither too long nor too wide. Have a great and blessed weekend. BLESSINGS!!!

Blouse   F21
Skirt        Tjmaxx
Necklace Laila Rowe
Ring   Coach

Juan 3:16
John 3:16

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